Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns - The Trio of Towns
The Ruins
At the northern end of town lie giant and mysterious ruins that are a central part of life in Lulukoko. Professor Mithra has been studying their secrets, but maybe you'll come closer than her to understanding them.
Inn "Lala Salama"
At the very center of Lulukoko is Tototara's inn. Spend the night here to refresh yourself and get a nice homecooked meal in the morning. In front of the inn is a bonfire, which is the town's symbol.
Jack of all Trades Shop "Relacion"
Ludus' shop is a one-stop-shop for home renovations, fishing bait, farm implements, and more! The multitalented owner even knows a thing or two about sewing.
The Market
South Lulukoko is home to a bustling market. The stalls are open in the early morning and evening, closing in the afternoon due to the oppressive tropical heat.
Seaside Café "Carosello"
Iluka and Siluka run this restaurant on the ocean, which serves a wide range of cold desserts to combat Lulukoko's hot days.