The Blessed Five: As Prince Pietro's adventure unfolds, he'll encounter numerous girls around his age who've been blessed by Lady Galariel, the guardian deity of Galariland. Because of their deep spiritual connection to the land, they'll immediately take a liking to him – and if his relationship with them can be fostered, their blessings may be shared with him as well, greatly aiding him in his quest.



An insect-obsessed girl who hangs around the central plaza in the town of Cordan, located in the autumnal southwestern region of Galariland. Has very overprotective parents who won't let her wander too far from home, so she's taken to collecting and cataloguing bugs in her hometown to pass the time. She's so proficient at it now that she can even grab insects out of the air with her bare hands, and some say she's even begun thinking and acting like a bug herself. Very particular about what she wants, somewhat moody at times, and extremely passionate about her dear insects.