The Blessed Five: As Prince Pietro's adventure unfolds, he'll encounter numerous girls around his age who've been blessed by Lady Galariel, the guardian deity of Galariland. Because of their deep spiritual connection to the land, they'll immediately take a liking to him – and if his relationship with them can be fostered, their blessings may be shared with him as well, greatly aiding him in his quest.



A bibliophile who spends most of her days catching rays with a good book or two in the resort village of Eodor, located in the summery northeastern Zuzul region of Galariland. Possesses a diverse knowledge of the world thanks to her many books, but has seen and done very little in person, relying entirely upon the written word to inform her experiences. Doesn't seem to have ever really thought about leaving Eodor and traveling, but is nonetheless intrigued by the prospect of actually seeing the many plants, animals and places she's read about over the years with her own eyes.