The Blessed Five: As Prince Pietro's adventure unfolds, he'll encounter numerous girls around his age who've been blessed by Lady Galariel, the guardian deity of Galariland. Because of their deep spiritual connection to the land, they'll immediately take a liking to him – and if his relationship with them can be fostered, their blessings may be shared with him as well, greatly aiding him in his quest.



A sheltered girl who lives atop Mt. Urbain in the snowy village of Mathieu. Hasn't ever really been outside the village, electing instead to stay and help her widower father cope with living in such a harsh climate. Has a fondness for sewing, and makes her own distinctive winter wear to keep warm during the long, cold nights in this remote settlement. Shy and reserved but genuinely kind, Leyla appreciates anyone who makes a point of helping others, and especially likes those who project warmth and sincerity.